Hay Low End Users, Want A Gpu That Will Blow Your Mind For A Great Price???

OK....very odd video....shouldn't have played with kids around..................................thanks for the heads up :P
lol sorry should have warned you , anyway thats a normal Brits culture these days football drugs and violence soo all that green countryside you hear about and fresh air, doesnt exist no more over here.
yes i want to Orlando last year, was great, ppl just so down to earth and straight to the point and the themeparks were great compared to ours. the ppl who work thier actually look like they enjoy it whereas in England they sit there grumpy face saying move along
yes i want to Orlando last year, was great, ppl just so down to earth and straight to the point and the themeparks were great compared to ours. the ppl who work thier actually look like they enjoy it whereas in England they sit there grumpy face saying move along

you wanna get out o weymouth then lad, the whole country aint that bad....in fact its quality up here :D
That because Orlando Florida I "THE" Prty state. They have one of the best Party Collage's there. When I went there there were TON OF BRITSH FOLK THERE!!! I just have to ask, WHY? THERE WERE MORE BRITISH THAN AMERICAN AND ILLEGAL IMAGRANTS COMPBINED!!! ??????????????????????????????? This is just so funny that this happens...Like of nice folk from where you are though. Slight accent but noticeable. OH !!! OH!!! DID YOU KNOW IN CANADA YOU GET FREE MEDICATION????????? HOLY MEDICARE!!!!
yes i know Chester well i did my cbt bike test up there, but i was living in Rhyl in north wales at the time and i dont think i need to tell you what Rhyl is like
Hmm sounds good. i love cheese i might buy it lol

Please don't hesitate to cut the cheese and dive right on in the the bidding. After all, it is the EBAY Cheese!!!!...........I wonder if it will get on David Letterman.....They sometimes find weird things and show it on the show....:D
How's the Queen??? She hasn't sent me her mail Lately..how's she doing? I haven't herd from her. hows her husband?
lmao the UK is poor now it used to be nice but now its full of stabbings, rapings, gangs, shootings, robberies, arsens everything undder the sun. and yes if you dial 911 here you do reach emrgency services.

Sad but true.:cool:
So the Queen is in trouble? Gosh darn it I told her in my last letter not to tax the HOBO's!!! I have to act fast, is there an uprising?????!!!!!