Oh so that was you posting it? Sorry, I thought it was one of those posts to make people laugh at the seller
? not sure what you mean by that....
Oh so that was you posting it? Sorry, I thought it was one of those posts to make people laugh at the seller
No. Just trying to get some money. I see you have the same GPU I have now. So I can see how you may shun on the card I'm selling but, hay i have a bid and 4 people watching...someone must want it. But this one is a joke
Anyone want some cheese?
yes i want to Orlando last year, was great, ppl just so down to earth and straight to the point and the themeparks were great compared to ours. the ppl who work thier actually look like they enjoy it whereas in England they sit there grumpy face saying move along
Hmm sounds good. i love cheese i might buy it lol
lmao the UK is poor now it used to be nice but now its full of stabbings, rapings, gangs, shootings, robberies, arsens everything undder the sun. and yes if you dial 911 here you do reach emrgency services.
[-0MEGA-];503273 said:What does this have to do with your video card![]()