Hay Low End Users, Want A Gpu That Will Blow Your Mind For A Great Price???

Plus I said for low end users. Like people still using the FX series. Plus Everything I said in the eBay link is true. I can play ALL of those games on MAX graphics. And yes I got ripped off on the arctic silver stuff....sadly...I back up my words 100%.
Yeah im sure it will sell,

Not everyone can afford the latest and greatest so looks like a good buy if someones intrested.
no i didnt mean to offend anyone just looks like you got a bit excited while writing the ad unless thats just an American thing
the eBay listing or the computer forum listing? If its the computer forum listing I'm just trying to attract attention to my EBay listing. Anyone up for bidding on the EBay Cheese? lol.
no the actual ebay listing, i mean the 6200 is a fine GFX card but the ad was OTT for me, so as i said must be an American thing as America and Americans are all OTT
what does OTT mean again?

edit- oh over the top OK I get what OTT means now. :P Oh well. I try to make it sound interesting. If you sold something on eBay you would want to make other realize that your item is better than the others right? (truthfully though, if I lied my account would be kicked) other wise you make no money. What do you think about my cheese listing? Think someone out there will buy it?
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no the actual ebay listing, i mean the 6200 is a fine GFX card but the ad was OTT for me, so as i said must be an American thing as America and Americans are all OTT

That's right. We all try hard and over achieve. That's why America is the Cubans Pro mus Land....and Illegal Immigrants......And in all those movies where poor families go to America to start a new life.......but hay, I still gotta give Austin Powers to ya. And Nanny 911....Which I don't get cuz she in the UK but they don't use 911 as a # over there do they??? Oh and Supper Nanny...Australia had Jeff Gorwin...China had......uh.....hmm......any way. I'd like to go to the UK one day. Seems cool. How long does it take to get an Accent???? That would be the Bomb!!!
lmao the UK is poor now it used to be nice but now its full of stabbings, rapings, gangs, shootings, robberies, arsens everything undder the sun. and yes if you dial 911 here you do reach emrgency services.
and yes if you dial 911 here you do reach emrgency services.
OMG THE LEGANDS ARE TRUE!!! QUICK, CALL THE PRESIDANT!!! OF SWISERLAND!!! HE'LL KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! Oh, and the rest of the other bad stuff sound like places in the USA where the Immigrants I told you about, don't do to well and end up in the Ghetto.....or a box....

Edit- Or say screw this I'm going back home......
yeh, the uk since mid 90s has been taken over, i mean the football team i support Aston Villa the actual place Aston is now asian and i cant walk throuh that town unless its a match day otherwise id get slaughtered. and depends what accent your on about lol, unless your stereotyping and on about the Hugh Grant accent, which hardly no one has unless you were brought up by rich folk.
Is that the kind where (excuse my language-I have absolutely no idea what I'm saying or what it means) "you blootty like bloke, If you go across that frog and toad I'll give you a bit of a jay Arther I will!!!" "Too right you ol chap. Settle down and we'll have some tea and a crumpet." Is that the sterio type? whats the real type?
Oh so that was you posting it? Sorry, I thought it was one of those posts to make people laugh at the seller