Good Job..Ian and Praetor

Chroder said:
most people don't know Oakville exists :P

Does Oakville have running water and electricity? :D

Tim HOrton's Ice Cappucino

Careful people, watch your diet, it's made out of the fat of's the most fat you can find in any of the fast food items....even more that a Big Mac.

And you guys thaught that I did not care about you and your health...I'm like a Mom to you :D
Does Oakville have running water and electricity?
Yes gravity does pull water down and yes they do have static electricity... in the winter :D

Careful people, watch your diet, it's made out of the fat of's the most fat you can find in any of the fast food items....even more that a Big Mac.
Good for the Canadian winters :P (except they've been kinda whimpy lately :()

Anyway, back on topic :p

ian, do you think CF is harder to manage [moderate?] then WMF? I don't remember this may hard-to-handle users at WMF (I would remember, I don't think I ever "got mad" at anyone at WMF...), unless we just happened to get a few of them in all at once here and it seems like more :P
ian, do you think CF is harder to manage [moderate?] then WMF? I don't remember this may hard-to-handle users at WMF
I would say yes, it is harder to manage, mainly because my level of knowledge in webmeistering is a lot stronger than in computers.
Also I think that topic of the forum has something to do with it, for instance I would probably find a gaming forum even harder to manage, whereas a specialist programming forum would be easier to manage. I dont usually have any trouble at which is probably not a fair comparison since it is only a fraction of the size of this forum, and has a lot less traffic.
Perhaps the magnitude of the problem looks worse, because those few people who have caused trouble have come back under different disguises.
oh yeah, WMF was not without its share of problems.
Interactive sites can be trouble to manage at times, but I firmly believe they are the way of the future on the internet.
Well you're going a good job thats for sure. I still can't believe how this baby grew!

Did you say if it was a he or she? :P
Too late for that now :P
I guess so!
My computers and servers are usually assigned names and therefore have a gender, for instance ALF(web server) was a male, HAL1000 (my celeron 1000) again a male and the millenium falcon (my trusty 486 that introduced me to the internet), also a male.
But none of my websites really have a gender.
oh and my next computer will probably be called HAL3000, until I work my way all the way up to a HAL9000, my perfect ultimate computer.
You know ian, there is an edit button... :P

What do the numbers stand for? Or do you just make up random numbers loosely based on a computers' coolness? :D