Gaming system for sale

Quad Xeons, 8GB RAM, Dual 8800GTX's, 1 Raptor, 2 750GB drives, Blu-Ray, Sound Plaster X-Fi, eVGA 680i WC mobo, Swiftec water cooling, Antec P190, Creative Gigaworks speakers, DiNovo keyboard, Revolution mouse, Dell 30" monitor, Vista Ultimate, Ubuntu 7.04, Fedora 7, oh and a floppy drive. So not too much!
The mobo isn't SLI. I guess the whole point is to make a little profit. I have 3 laptops, a basement full of parts and another system that can play BF2142 at the highest settings

Originally Posted by firsttimebuilder View Post
I cant say I didn't try BTW that proc cost a mere 1500 CAN
that would be the x6800 you're thinking of. You can't get a QX6800 unless you have know someone who works for a major computer company.
