Your right. Dells the best in the world!! I know you would love dell
People hello your forgetting something.
Dells and HP Cases are huge and are tower size. He should be selling them more because a dell pc with the specs he has would be 369 - 450$ and that be a big ugly tower that is brandmarked with dell all over it whilst this guys one is pretty cheap as hes putting all the hardware into a small case so IMO hes doing brilliant

1. If your trying to do media centre dont give them mobos with indergrated graphics or intel ones. I seen a mobo that gives ATI x700 prebuilt in one. If you can get them type it would be alot better.
2. Sell matching big 20 - 30inch monitors (sell in diff listings) with them as your going media centre and everone wants big monitors to watch the season finale of lost or greys anathomy.
3. Dont give them windows. Give them linux or Kubuntu and if they want windows pre-installed charge them the price of what windows your going to buy and add 5% onto it. (This also means you give them the cd/dvd aswell as the key (you have to stick it onto the case)