FS: A64 4000+, DFI Lanparty UT SLI DR-Expert, and more!

i have good refrences, ask Geoff... he bought from me too...

Yes I did buy several things from him, including a Hard Drive, Motherboard, Video Card, RAM, and I think a few other things. I got everything very quickly, and everything worked and was packaged well. You don't have to worry about him ripping you off.
oh, well, i can't buy now anyways. shit. my psu just blew a wire and i'm working on borrowed time here. i am going to have to spend my money on a psu. figures, no 300w. psu could live forever pushing an overclocked sapphire x800gto... i'm really sorry, didn't know this would happen, but it did, one of those things that just happen with computers

EDIT: that's why it took me so long to respon. i had to put a little wire in the place where the one melted, tearing apart my psu in the process. you should see all the crap my monitor is doing right now.
oh, well, i can't buy now anyways. shit. my psu just blew a wire and i'm working on borrowed time here. i am going to have to spend my money on a psu. figures, no 300w. psu could live forever pushing an overclocked sapphire x800gto... i'm really sorry, didn't know this would happen, but it did, one of those things that just happen with computers

EDIT: that's why it took me so long to respon. i had to put a little wire in the place where the one melted, tearing apart my psu in the process. you should see all the crap my monitor is doing right now.

and i think that nobody thinks i'm another person, i'll change my name (did that make any sense at all? right now i'm on vicodin, valium, ambien,morphine and a few other pain-killers ) (i need all those meds for my new 'condition' called tetanis)
It would have been easier to just say no, then to make up such a long exscuse like that. :P
Anyway you could take less for the dual channel kit??? I am really interested, if you wouldnt mind p.m. me about it.
I wouldn't mind giving you 150 for that graphic card(yes i meant usd)

Scratch that,i read some bad reviews on the card.
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the graphics cards is FLAWLESS and i mean PERFECT, i can max out most games with great success.... its a great card... EDIT: also, i cant really go under $75... i need to buy new RAM thats about $115...
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hey, if you still have the motherboard, ram and cpu i will be very interested. i will give you 300 USD for the lot, and then postage on top. are you interested???
If Mastermind backs out I *will* work something out with you Ku on the ram. Let me know, I'll try to remember to check this thread again. I need a gig of DDR and was planning on buying some soon anyways. Wish I had seen this sooner. Hell, its tempting to make you an offer on all of it as Mastermind did.

Either way, PM me if Mastermind backs off on it. But, he sounds serious *sad*.
okay, here's the deal, im keeping the mobo now, im selling the videocard and RAM now, but im selling the CPU in a month or so
Change of plans? Lol.

Well, if mastermind doesn't want the RAM, then I will give it a good home. Just lemme know.
Hey Ku, do you happen to have Paypal? That would be easier then going to get the cmo.

If you don't, PM me with your name/address so I can take care of that junk.
That's the way it looks. It says in his signature that he is going to "soon replace with Ku-Sama's 6800 XXX' or something like that. And, I was planning on taking the ram off your hands, yes. :)