FS: 800mhz ram, 45nm c2d, HS

not to get off topic, but what does crossfire only mean on that motherboard? :confused:(bump)

It means that you can only run 2x Ati cards in crossfire,And you cannot run 2x nvidia cards in SLI.

I believe some newer motherboards allow you to do both now. :)
For very small items, like a CPU or RAM, you can use USPS small flat rate box. $14 shipped anywhere in the world, not too bad.

Thats freakin awesome!!
to buy 1 gram of thermal paste off pccasegear they charge $12 for shipping to the same country!..... bastards
Interested in the motherboard possibly--when the PSU went out, it didn't damage the motherboard at all? Prices are with shipping?