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I got pretty good at explaining complex things to teachers who are cluelessOMG thank you. You always manage to explain things like this the best.

I got pretty good at explaining complex things to teachers who are cluelessOMG thank you. You always manage to explain things like this the best.
If the drive is failing, you really don't want to clone it. The only safe things to backup would be your personal data. All programs would have to be reinstalled on the new drive.
Let me start over.
I need to replace a failing internal hard drive. What is the procedure for doing this? Windows 7 with a single bay available.
Hey Bud, you are the best! Can it really be that simple?
Yes. People like you make it seem like it's an impossible task only we can do.
Google how to install a hard drive.
If you already have a Windows 7 disk you don't need to download it. Just use the key you have in either case.
You can clone, but it isn't recommended since you may have corrupted files. I would get an external USB stick or external USB hard drive and copy all important documents/pictures/videos etc minus applications. but if you want to clone check out AOMEI Backupper which is free and use the whole drive clone option. You will need to plug the new hard drive into a USB to SATA adapter and point to that drive as the destination drive to where the clone should reside. Or just connect the new drive to a SATA cable in the computer and point the clone to that.
How old is this drive? How did you come to the conclusion it is failing? Have you run HDD testing tools on it?
What I want to do is replace my internal drive with a new replacement.
I have to boot with F1 and receive a hard drive problem message.
My computer is probably three years old.
All I want to do is replace the drive and continue on!
If you can still boot into windows then backup your personal data to an external drive/cd or dvd/USB flashdrive. Install the new drive. Use the windows 7 iso that voyagerfan linked you to. Burn iso file to a DVD and install windows fresh on the new drive. Use the key located on the side of the case to activate the install. If there is no sticker with the key then you can pull the key from the registry by using a few different programs before you remove the old drive.