Fresh Install for Windows 10 Help Needed.

Ok so this is weird. I would select to run off of the DVD drive, but then it would do the windows 10 logo, but I know that the DVD drive works because when I would boot windows 7, it wouldn't show the windows 10 logo, but it would load differently but with the same result.
Did you burn the ISO to the disc or did you just burn the ISO file onto the disc?
I might have burnt it onto the disc.

I also took my computer into a shop and they tested everything except for the processor and the motherboard and it came back positive for everything. It could be the motherboard, processor, or a bad download. Also I got all of that info for free, so I could see if I can redo the download and installation of windows 10 to the disc and see if that works. If that doesn't work then I would want to save up for an i7 on an LGA 1151 because I might as well get a great processor with a new motherboard.
Wow the attitudes here are definitely going to keep new member.

Reset the BIOS to default settings, boot from the disk and try again.
Wow the attitudes here are definitely going to keep new member.

Reset the BIOS to default settings, boot from the disk and try again.
So you're gonna tell me that if someone asks you a question and you answer them, and then they ask you the same question again, that you don't get frustrated by that?
Did you burn the ISO to the disc or did you just burn the ISO file onto the disc?
I might have burnt it onto the disc. ...
You need to verify whether or not the install disk was created properly. With the disk in the optical drive, look at the files on the disc, post a screenshot from Windows Explorer to show us what files are on the disk. At least we'll see if you only copied the ISO file to the disc.
So you're gonna tell me that if someone asks you a question and you answer them, and then they ask you the same question again, that you don't get frustrated by that?

As an admin, I would've thought you should be above bold text frustration and sarcasm. Secondly, this person is clearly not trolling, so may be a bit of patience is fine.
As a moderator, I would've thought you should be above bold text frustration and sarcasm. Secondly, this person is clearly not trolling, so may be a bit of patience is fine.

And no, I'm not. I've said it before; I can post all day and give people answers but if they choose to ignore what I say then that's their problem.