First build

What's wrong with it? I'm not looking for a high end good looking case, just want everything to fit in. It says it supports ATX, which is what I have.
The case aesthetically looks OK to me.

He's probably concerned about thin case material and sharp edges. Some of those low end ones you end up with sliced up hands by the end of the build if you're not careful :p Also, some higher end cases give you more cable management options so you may have to get creative if there aren't many in your current case.
Yeah OK, as long as it fits in there I'll be pleased to be honest.

I couldn't care less about showing off my rig in a over 100 euros case :)
Would strongly advise against using a Zalman case, last one I used for a friends build had a lot of problems, including that there were missing standoffs

EDIT: nvm, looks like u went with the other one. Still woulda advised a cheap Corsair or NZXTcase tho
The motherboard box comes with SATA cables. You usually get 4 or so, so no need to buy extras unless you have special use cases like need super long ones or something :D

I must be buying cheap boards or something, :D I've only ever seen two come with a board. I've accumulated extras over time though from working on various machines.
The case aesthetically looks OK to me.

He's probably concerned about thin case material and sharp edges. Some of those low end ones you end up with sliced up hands by the end of the build if you're not careful :p Also, some higher end cases give you more cable management options so you may have to get creative if there aren't many in your current case.

Yeah, that, plus most cases around that price point by Corsair and NZXT have decent cable management options (doesn't have to be high end), and that one doesn't. But I'm sure it'll work okay.
Ok I just built the computer.
Problem is that the CPU fans and GPU fans don't start when I boot. Also it doesn't seem to send any signal to the screen, wether through the GPU or MB HDMI. I have checked that they are both connected and theye are. Case fans do work though. Another thing was that the case came without any manual so I picked one wrong screw to fix the MB. It doesn't come out now, I hope this is not the problem...

Any idea?
Ok I fixed the problem: I had a standoff that wasn't supposed to be there and also removed the bad screw. Installing Windows as we speak :)