February Folding Marathon!

Are you using an SMP application? It won't take advantage of hyper-threading without SMP (just learned this yesterday :D)
People don't want free stuff, I guess...only three people interested in $65 in cash and other cool parts!

Haha, if no one is signing up for prizes, I can always change my post to say "Gimmie a prize please!" :P
How do I get my name in there? I'm sorry I'm kinda thickheaded. I downloaded the thing and put my username in. It's definitely doing something, my CPU is up to 53%, but how do I monitor the progress?

You people are crazy for not jumping on the Folding train. A small, simple background program you run and people are giving away prizes!

If you're folding, then the OP will put your name in the list. If you're using a username on F@H that's not your CF username, then post that here so he knows which username to pay attention to.
Nice! Cool milestone. Thought this graph was funny hehe
Wow...84,730 points 24 hour average and 159,786 in the last 24 hours:eek:

You guys are kicking a$$ Folding:D

We can get the next 10 spots pretty easy it looks like. I see a few teams in the 29 million range that are almost not folding anything:good: We do not have any real strong teams behind us...a few but they have a ways to go now.
My Phenom II X2 is folding at a good pace. At 1340/2000 since I turned her on this morning.