Did you even try to see if the SMTP server works using the TELNET command in CMD?
If not,open CMD and type:
telnet smtp.verizon.net 465
I just tryed it and the server seems to work.
I had the SAME problem as you d

nly I used Outlook Express 6 instead.
I also tryed (back then) everything you did.I even made a small program to send an E-mail message based on the SMTP server,but the damn message just did not want to send.I was able to receive messages,but NOT send them.
And finally at the end it turned out that I did EVERYTHING right,but my ISP (internet service provider) blocked me from sending E-mail messages locally from ANY program and that includes Microsoft outlook.
I aksed them why they did that and they said that I must have gotten a virus which kept sending some stupid E-mails ALL THE TIME lol so for the safety,they disabled me from sending any mail messages locally.Of course it was not my computer that got infected and which caused this.It was my mom's laptop which was full of crap lol...it barely worked lmao!
So I erased her laptop from viruses and then called them,explained them that I have cleaned her laptop and that now they can unblock the SMTP mail sending locally and once they unblocked it,I was able to send E-mail messages locally just fine.
So you MUST call your ISP and ask them if they blocked you from sending E-mail messages from LOCAL PROGRAMS such as Outlook.