Do all sound cards work separate from the CPU??

I will not settle for the most I can get for my money. I'm canceling the order and getting the other one.
no not all of them

not all sound cards have their own DSP(digital sound processor) which is like the cpu for sound how the GPU is what processes the graphics

just get a nice high quality one from Creative and you'll be good

i would suggest a X-Fi series

How's the Audigy 4? i mean, it does have a DSP,.. so, does it 'unload' the CPU just as much as a x-Fi card?
How's the Audigy 4? i mean, it does have a DSP,.. so, does it 'unload' the CPU just as much as a x-Fi card?

yeah those are nice ones too but the X-Fi meant to be for gamign and such but a good Audigy4 will do too

i have an Audigy2 and so far i think it works
Will I notice a difference between the too? It might be too late to call of the recall :( . There goes $50.
Is the sound quality bad on the SE? I mean does it suck like a bucket of ticks? Or is that better than the sound card I use (from eBay for $1 brand new-32bit)
In order of sound quality, your $1 one will be so much at the bottom of the list you won't believe. Then comes the SE, which relatively close to the standard Audigy 4 but has its differences. Then comes the standard Audigy 4, then comes the X-Fi series, in the order Xtreme Music, Platinum, Fatal1ty & Elite Pro, although the differences in the last three are just with the add-ons.

I've lost track, which one do you have on order at the moment, the SE or the normal Audigy 4? :confused:
Probably. My feelings are if you've got the SE coming, check the returns policy, if you can try it before sending it back, then do so, and see whether you feel it's worth the money to return it and get the standard.
To be honest the regular and SE cost about the same cost with shipping over all. I just wanted a way to pay with paypal and I didn't know there was a difference between the 2. What do you think the sample rate is on the one I already currently own?
DSP does not stand for Digital Sound Processor, it stands for Digital Signal Processor.

So what does that mean? Is it any different if it was called sound instead of signal or either way would it mean the same thing?