CS:S Match Tonight (Join Now)

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Hey good game tonight guys... sorry I had to leave so early but my dad came home and I'm suppose to be off the internet:(

Maybe later Saturday... not too sure. Also, who was that desert guy omega? He wasn't too bad:)

Kill ya guys later
good game everyone, we should try to plan on in advance so we can get more people.

And i have 320+ screen shots, so i'll look through them and post some up tonight.
uniqueusername said:
dust sucks

nooooo!!!!! you are totaly wrong, dust PWNS!!!!

i so wanna play CSS with you guys, im kinda busy (playing WoW), but im still playing CSS everyday, cant play at night cuz i gotta go sleep, damn time zones
Haha Skidude you're not that bad of a player! next time you and I will be the last ones surviving and then it'll be just you and me:D:)

Are you ready? :)

lol, jk hopfully we will have another match soon
Haha, I just downloaded a map called zombiedefendthebase.bpm or something like that. Pretty much, there is a long way for terrorists to run until they get to a CT base. The T's have to break down a wall while the CT's are mowing them down with guns. The CT base has M4a1's, MG's, etc. laying all over the place so it's hard for the T's. I think we should put 1/4 of the participants on the CT team and the rest on the T team. We should try it!
We should plan on the game being at 7:30PM EST Tonight, as we get closer to 7:30 we can decide on a server, since now we dont know what server will be available or free tonight. So make sure to check back here to find the server info sometime after 7PM.

Im sending out PM's to some people also informing them. Hopefully everyone is good for that time.