Can it be the best CORE. 2. QUUUAAADDDD rig?

A quick question. Say I didn't win this time, can I upload the same pictures/rigs another month or would I not be allowed to?
It's not "THAT" great - it's completely badass and just the most epic thing on the planet!

OK joking there a bit, but it's still very good and I'll always love them.
The Core 2 Quad is great! There are a few reasons why the CORE. 2. QUUUAADDD was/is a good chip, one of them is the everlasting value they hold. My Q8300 can still play games just fine and encode video just fine. Admittedly my overclocked 2500K hits it over the head with a crowbar and so does Dad's new i7 3770, but there's no doubt that if even 4-5 years on the C2Q is still a fine processor for gaming and encoding, it has everlasting value which sadly we just don't get these days. Well, the 2500K has everlasting value, but that's about it.
One of the other reasons is a more personal reason - it's the CPU I always grew up wanting. I'm only 14 as you know but I've been into computers for a good 3-4 years, and back then the Core 2 Quads were still sort of current generation (the i3/i5/i7s were just coming in). I always grew up wanting A QX9650 or a QX9770.
I just love the name too - "Core 2 Quad". There's just something about it I love. Probably the "quad" part because you could brag about your quad-core and everybody would be jealous of you back in the day.
There are other reasons too but I'm not going into them now.
Calm down a bit. No need for all of this fighting and aggression over nothing really.