Computer stops working

I had further thoughts about the wgatray issue. Perhaps the way you described it is misleading. You said you got a wgatray error and you deleted the various files. The icon can be quite annoying - I've deleted those files myself. Was it the other way round, you deleted the files and then got the error? The tray notification is only a visual indication to the User, it does not stop WGA from working. Whichever way round, it now sounds to me like that has nothing to do with your problems.

I'm still out of ideas.
Finally I have found some application errors in Event viewer. It was causing by faultrep.dll. Error ID was 1000: Application stopped unexpectedly. What I should do?
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I have fixed all errors with Uniblue Registry Booster and Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC. Iwasn't having any application errors. But suddenly when I played a game, my computer restarted. What's the problem now?
I have fixed all errors with Uniblue Registry Booster and Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC. Iwasn't having any application errors. But suddenly when I played a game, my computer restarted. What's the problem now?

Why don't you simply try to repair your operating system using it's CD or DVD disk and then scan your computer against viruses as I said above?It won't do any harm it can only help you to fix the problem...
Looking at your HJT report, I see you have 10 instances of Chrome running. It may not be an issue but is that normal for you? Did your problem arrive with Chrome?

I also see you have Symantec Live Update but are using Avast. Do you have parts of Norton hanging around? If so, get the Norton Removal Tool and clean things up.
Looking at your HJT report, I see you have 10 instances of Chrome running. It may not be an issue but is that normal for you? Did your problem arrive with Chrome?

I also see you have Symantec Live Update but are using Avast. Do you have parts of Norton hanging around? If so, get the Norton Removal Tool and clean things up.

The several instances of Chrome could be due to extensions and tabs, as Chrome runs each tab or extension in a separate process.
The several instances of Chrome could be due to extensions and tabs, as Chrome runs each tab or extension in a separate process.
I realize that, but 10? I suppose when you are having problems you may be multi-tasking Help pages. With 10 pages in my Chrome it uses about 300MB of memory which is not huge.

Now Beard has said this occurs on idle, I'm doubly out of ideas (other than the CPU or MB needs replacing). Did a memtest eventually run? I noted it may be necessary to navigate into a boot menu if the pc has one.
I use Game Booster to close all unnecessary programs. When I ran the check I was not using it. Also, I have to say that I have used almost everything, but the problem still occurs. What a pity...
I don't follow your last comments. Did you run a memtest such as memtest86 using a boot disk? Was the memory OK?

Although nothing has helped to date, if it is a MB or CPU fault, there is no way to check other than sending it to a specialist. All that we can do is make suggestions that rule out everything else. Ultimately you may have to take it in to a repair shop where they can replace major components including the MB to isolate the problem.

I would keep a log of what you do each startup of the PC to see if there is a pattern related to software use. Perhaps one application is causing an issue which shows up later.
run with no programs manually started and leave for a few hours
run and play game and leave for a few hours
run and use browser for a while and leave for a few hours
run and play game and use browser and leave for a few hours

The "leave for a few hours" could be overnight, you don't have to waste your time sitting around. BTW are you overclocking?
Everyone thats having problems with there computer go get a copy of your OS- xp,vista windows7 or whatever you have and download your drivers for your computer from online and put those on a cd too, then if you ever have problems you can do a clean install anytime you want.

I restalled everthing on my computer 2 or more times per year.
I'm not having any problems with a situation when after some time my computer stops. It's OK now. Sorry for my stupidity because I haven't found any explanations of the word overclock. I'm not an englishman or american. Can you explain it for me, please?
Few minutes ago I've got an application error message when playing a game: „Application error problem 0x4fe7726b referenced at 0x06d44a40. The memory could not be written.“ What do I have to do to solve this?
I had an error: Faulting application top spin 2.exe, version, faulting module d3dx9_30.dll, version 9.12.589.0, fault address 0x00129fce.
What do I have to do? I have already replaced the d3dx9_30.dll in system 32 and the game folder. Nothing works.
Test your ram memory

It seems like your RAM memory cannot be fully and correctly used.Games and programs mostly store some informations in RAM temporary and later it uses them if the program/game needs it in the specified moment or disposes them if the program/game doesn't need it.To me it seems like that sometimes some of your software (any kind) cannot write something in the RAM and that can cause the entire system to block completely.You must check your RAM memory for errors.You can use this program called MemTest version 3.8 32-bit edition.I uploaded it for you.Here is the link:

Download it and run it.Under "Enter megabytes of RAM to test" delete "All unused RAM" and write the number of your RAM memory in megabytes but not the FULL NUMBER!Write less then you have.For example if you have 1 GB of RAM memory which is 1024 MB,instead of "1024" write "900".Other 124 MB will be used for the MemTest program and it will use that 124 MB of RAM memory in order to work and check the rest of your RAM memory which is 900 MB.

NOTE 1: If you see that MemTest is taking too long and it is still at 0% coverage,try reducing the number from "900" to "850" or "800".

NOTE 2: Leave MemTest to test your RAM for at least 24 hours.If after 24 hours MemTest reports 1 or more errors then your computer blocks because your RAM memory chip(s) are bad and need to be replaced with the working ones.
