Computer shuts down while gaming, fans still blow at full speed.

You said western digital, but what size and model, how old is it? You need to run a diagnostic on it with Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows:

Install and run the quick test then post the results.
The HDD is Western Digital 1TB Caviar Black, SATA 3, 7200rpm, 64MB. Bought in June 2013 like all the rest. I haven't changed any pieces in the machine since initial build up.

I'll run memtest as soon as I can. Windows Memory Diagnostics tool brought up no problems. I'll run Data Lifeguard tonight.
I did both versions of the Data Lifeguard test (Long and short). The HHD passed both without any complaints.
Been two quite busy days and thus I don't have the CD's yet. I'll try to get them tomorrow. The problem has also been kind of vacant these last two days. It was Friday morning I think when it last shut down while I was playing WotR.
Any result from memtest?
Well, I finally got around to doing memtest yesterday night (Okay, I did a "No CD required" version but it still counts I think. I ran it for around 1,5 hours after shutting down everything I could to get the RAM usage as low as possible (14%)). The test found no problems in the RAM.