And those little bits of dust make no difference at all. Dust prevents airflow, so long as your heatsinks, fans and paths are clear it doesn't matter. Go takes your heatsink off and throw that is the dishwasher, that is fine, I run mine under water anyway because no amount of blowoing, vacuuming or compressed air is going to get the dust deep inside away like running water will. Putting PCB's in there though is quite simply retarded, not just for the life of your parts but because of the fact that you are putting chemicals into the water system.
You are a guy on the internet that nobody is going to meet or cares to meet so nobody is going to lose sleep over whether or not you are making up stories just for a laugh.
Your hard drive story is a load of crap. Firstly, you aren't going to get a clean room even though "you have found a way". Short of buying an air filter, which costs a decent amount and would not be worth getting unless you were doing this professionally, you are talking out of the other end.
Secondly, people are stupid, but not so stupid to not even ask the question "why would you want a dead drive"? If someone said to me this is dead, but can I keep it? I would firstly ask why, secondly ask for a repair quote, thirdly, if they couldn't do that, sell it to them, not give it, because clearly it is still worth something.
Thirdly, why would you still do work for someone that owed you money?
Fourth, why do you think nobody else uses a dishwasher (allegedly) to clean their components?
Fifth, you don't know better than the professionals or the hard drive manufacturers themselves. They probably know your "trick" and have a reason that they don't do it, even if yours actually exists.
Sixth, you contradict yourself, you said that you take the drives, fix them then use them, yet in a previous thread have stated that you never use hard drive that have been fixed
LoL you really hate me don't you?
You mentioned:
"You are a guy on the internet that nobody is going to meet or cares to meet so nobody is going to lose sleep over whether or not you are making up stories just for a laugh."
Same from me
Yes it's true that those small parts of dust make no difference,but I am one of those who wants it to be super clean 100%.I am crazy I know so no need to mention that again.

You also mentioned putting chemicals in the water system.True this is not good if you are working with something dangerous,but things like RAM and stuff are not gonna blow up or stop working if they are in the water as long as they are completely out of the electricity.I am doing that for about 15 years and never had a problem.Not a single time.Just because some people DID have a problem with this then they obviously did something wrong.
It's easiest to say that this is stupid rather than say that YOU did something wrong.And you did otherwise you wouldn't have a problem.But okay lol never mind.Those are THEIR parts so let them do with them what they want lol.
You also asked why NOBODY uses a dishwasher to clean their components.Well there ARE some people who DO use it.Only there are not many of them.Besides even if I am the ONLY one I don't care lol.
Everyone has their ways of cleaning computer components and dishwasher is one of my ways.
Hey if you don't like it,don't do it lol.
Your parts,your decision.
Hard disk drives:
I am full of crap?LoL ok if you think I am then I am lol.Happy?

You mentioned that "professionals" know for my trick.Are you sure?
There were few cases when the hard disk drives I disabled WERE TAKEN to the professionals who charge up to 2000 dollars.Clients WERE ready to pay them all 2000 dollars if they (professionals) fix their hard disk drives,but after few days they just returned the hard disk drives back to them (clients) and said that it cannot be repaired anymore and did NOT charge them anything.So if professionals DO KNOW about my trick then WHY would they miss an opportunity to earn 2000 dollars EVERY time???
And yes people do ask me why I need a dead hard drive and I always say I can have it for old parts.Besides it's their decision.They can keep a dead hard drive or they can give it to me instead of tossing it into the trash.And they never ever keep a dead hard disk drive simply because it's not of any use to them.Because if "professionals" couldn't fix it for them them then they SURELY won't be able to fix it by themselves.And in 100% cases they are so damn pissed off on how much time they already lost on a dead hard disk drive so they give it to me with a HUGE pleasure.

Hell some of them BEG me to take it so that they don't have to watch it anymore.

And no...they do not charge me for giving me a dead hard drive because they know VERY well that NOBODY on this entire planet Earth would not buy a dead hard disk drive from them lol.
But then again...who says that hard disk drive IS dead???
They???Professionals???Friends???Repair services???


What I say is that hard disk drive is NOT dead...only nobody knows that hehehe
You also asked why would I do some work for someone who owes me money.Well I don't do any work for them lol.It only SEEMS to THEM that I am working for them like a slave for FREE,but I am the one who actually gets their hard disk drives (HDD or/and SSD) for FREE every time.Only they don't realize that and they never will.
You also mentioned that I do not know this better than the professionals.
I have only one question here......How you know wether I am a professional or not?

The answer is you DON'T KNOW and you DON'T CARE.Or maybe you DO care,but I still don't care wether you care or not lol.
And yes it's true that I never use the hard disk drives which I fixed.
Well...not until now.

Few days ago I decided to use them.After all why not lol?They work great and I got them for 00,00 dollars.

Why spend money on buying a hard disk drive if I can get them for free lol...
You can think and say to the entire planet Earth that I am retarded,that I am lying and that I am full of crap.And 99.99% of the people WILL believe you...
And that's the point.
Cheers Aastii!