computer cant see the other computer?

thank you to all the helped me.. i was told by my brother that it was illegal to get someone to make the internet connection shared.. but all is good.. i finally got it to work.. i was reading the forum that was posted up today.. GOSH U GUYS ARE GREAT! thanks A LOT! i mean ALOT.. because the computer without the internet was mine.. and this one is my brothers..

Sharing an internet connection with a household other than the one it was ment for. Like you sharing YOUR internet connection with your neighbor(spelling?).
you also might want to remember that when you purchase a consumer internet connection the provider assumes that you will only be needing 1 IP address. So, they will only give your account a single IP address. If you want to connect more than one computer simultaniously you might want to look into buying a router to share your internet connection if you already haven't.

When you add a router to your network you can share many internal IP addresses through one single external address. This will also provide you with a little more security for your home systems when properly configured.

If you need a suggestion on what kind of router to buy, I would reccomend looking into a company called "Linksys" or perhaps "D-Link". Both make exceptional products and have decent technical support for when you run into problems.

Hope I've helped