The beauty of having multiple skins is that they could choose which skins they wanted to use
ffs yes thanks for pointing that out
You're only limited if whoever is in charge doesn't feel like individually editing each theme with consistent images and the like.
There are tons of themes already that can be installed, it's simply a matter of installing them and allowing permissions for users to change them from the control panel.
Cromewell and kobaj are working on greasemonkey code as I write this post and I'm optimistic that we'll have a solution as outlined itt. Ian has run vB forums for years, he's well aware of multiple skin mods, so if he hasn't yet installed them, he has his reasons. Instead of scratching my head and trying to figure out WHY we don't have a vB multiple skin option, I came up with this idea. Hopefully it will work out.
Nothing needs to be installed on the forum. For those that like the current theme, it stays. For those of you that don't like the greasemonkey skins that are provided, I'm hoping we can provide a code template that will allow you to enter in the changes you want, all with how-to instructions so little effort is required on the end-user side.