Ceramic White PSP 2.5 For Sale Unused (UK)

ah, right, I forgot about that, I read them earlier, but than I forgot that that's what he was gunna do.
yeah already picked up a ps2 for £45 so Ive got £105 for an ipod nano. just a quick question though, can the ipod nano be used without that stupid ITunes, e.g just through My Computer as a removable drive?
yeah already picked up a ps2 for £45 so Ive got £105 for an ipod nano. just a quick question though, can the ipod nano be used without that stupid ITunes, e.g just through My Computer as a removable drive?

Im pretty sure you can just use it through my computer and i think you dont have to stick with itunes either like you could go to walmart and buy them online. But dont hold me to that cause im not 100% sure.
Yeah, you should be able to via the drag and drop method, I'm not sure because I've never owned an Ipod, and never will, I just don't really like them.