Can someone resize this?


there ya go...64 pixels...4.11 KB ;)

EDIT: Touched it up a little and it is now 4.06 KB
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Hello said:
Sweet :D. Thanks.

EDIT: See, when people talk to me on AIM, it still looks blury...:(.:mad:.

Hmmm, have you tried a different picture? If the same happens to a different picture, then it is probably the software itself, and not the picture...

Try a different picture then reply back with results :)
Could you pick a pic that you think will turn out good?

Search for 'Dye Paintball' under images on ( Yes trying to make it easiest possible for you :). And just try to do someting similar to that?

Thanks if you dont mind, and have some spare time, I am just not sure what pic would be best.