Brand New Problem that No one knows about!!!!

As far as an updating program goes....I am not running any software that the other 5 computers have. I do not have any software that the other 5 computers have. what could possibly cause all 6 computers, at the exact same time, go into an update and cause this problem. there anyway you could email me....or possibly call would be easier to discuss exact details and such by phone.
Um, with such a strange happenings. I'd really like to hear the questions and support on the thread
How convenient :/
We cannot check your computer out any further

But now its formatted :(

I somehow doubt it
That's more like a User would say, not a techo

By chance are they all on Internet chat as well
And what are the programs you install on your "customer's computers?

By the way, it was probably Adobe updating or something very normal NOT insult my intelligence! That is why I would like to take this issue private and on the phone with Aviation_Man. Any findings/solutions will be gladly posted.
Because I have to have my computer. So I did what I needed to get me back online. Its not like there isnt 5 other pc's that we can use as an example.
So yours didn't come back all ok again
Maybe yours was a different fault to the others

Also I'm pretty good with computers ;)
Possibly just as good as Aviation_Man ;)
Correction. I formatted and re-installed windows at 1am in the morning. So my computer didnt have a chance to wait until 11am-noon today to get back to normal. I needed my Computer THEN. Ive got to have my computer. for many reasons. My computer does more than the average Home PC User.

I am so excited and thrilled that you are as good with computers. Believe me. The more help, the better. I am a Senior Computer Tech/Network Administrator. 3 of my friends are even higher classified Techs than I am. 1 works for Cerner Corporation, 1 works for Time Warner Cable, and the other works for Microsoft....she is my Aunt.

I am glad and more than happy that you would like to help....but NOT treat me as some uneducated person that does NOT know what he is doing. Do NOT insult me or my intelligence. I appreciate your help, but do NOT tolerate Insults to me or my intelligence.

As far as event logs, Security Logs, and so forth...including HiJackThis Logs...I assure you...there was NOTHING in any of those logs that were out of the ordinary. If there was, myself...or my 3 HIGHLY trained Techs would have caught it by now. But if they are stumped....I assure you its not gonna be as easy as you or anyone else thinks it will be.

With that being said, by all means, lets continue analyzing and diagnosing the problem and try finding a solution so that others that MIGHT end up experiencing this problem will have our help. I cannot post the HiJackThis logs or any other logs of any other computers that I work with as that will violate the Privacy Policy of my Company. its unfortunate, But it cant be done. If there is something specific we are looking for, I can check the logs and say whether it is present or not.
Negative. I do not use those kind of programs. I do not allow them on my network. The 3 computers at the leasing office are not allowed to have those...nor are they allowed to download/install anything new without I am their Network Administrator.

As far as the OTHER two does NOT have any file sharing programs...but the other does. he uses Limewire PRO.
The other one, running Limewire pro, should be acceptable to post a HJT log
There are no IP numbers or identifications in HJT logs (except usernames)
Keep in mind....all computers are back to normal and functioning properly with no footprints, no recollection of this nothing. no traces what so ever. But all computers are back online and running like they should be.

The point of this thread is to help me and anyone else find out what caused this, how it happened, and how to fix it if it were to occur again...or to someone else.

All help is greatly appreciated and I have my TOP Technicians also researching. They are working round the clock non stop.
I can ask him. But since he is a customer/friend of mine and my company....I am bound by the Privacy Act of my Company. I own and run the Company. So with his permission (written, signed, and Notorized), I will see how quickly I can get the HJT logs.
Without standard logs
And running scans
And checking network settings
Even checking Bios events

Then we can only guess until the cows come home
ie You cannot tell me what programs you guys install? (asked earlier)
Was everyone using chat at the same time (or around same time (asked earlier)
That type of thing, I can only look at the facts.
OK, Here is a detailed List of the software installed on each computer:

3 Leasing Office Computers:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Serv. Pack. 3
Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate
Remote Desktop Connections (embedded in OS)
Comodo Internet Security Suite (virus and firewall)
HP Printer Drivers
Canon Copier Drivers
Absolutely NO P2P, File Sharing, or chat programs

Customer 1:

Windows XP Professional Serv. Pack 3
Yahoo Messenger
Kodak Photo Suite (for her Digitial Camera)
LogMeIn Pro Remote Connection Software
Comodo Internet Security Suite (virus and firewall)
Peggle (game-does not use internet connection)
Micorsoft Office 2007 Ultimate

Customer 2:

Windows Vista Ultimate Serv. Pack 2
Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate
Comodo Internet Security Suite
LimeWire Pro
Yahoo Messenger
Nero 7
HP and Dell Printer Drivers/Software (he has two printers)
LogMeIn Pro

My Computer:

Windows XP Professional Serv. Pack 3
Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate
Comodo Internet Security Suite
Ademco Compass (Controls my Security, CCTV, Access Control Systems)
DSC DLS (controls more Security Systems, and Access Control Systems)
Yahoo Messenger
Nero 7
LogMeIn Pro
Remote Desktop Connections (to access my Server remotely)

Other than that...the basic software/drivers for Hardware and all that are also installed. LogMeIn Pro is a Secured Encrypted Remote connection software. I have not remotely connected to any of the computers within the last week. Virus scans are performs on all computers every night at 1am and Windows Auto Update is set for 3am. All computers were working perfectly with no problems. No security threats detected.

Did i leave anythign out??? LOL.
OH....forgot the activities performed just before this disaster!

Leasing office Computer 1
She had Outlook and Excel Open

Leasing Office Computer 2
Outlook and Excel

Leasing Office Computer 3
Excel and Internet Explorer (connected to a secured website for adding Rent Checks...or whatever it is they do...Im no leasing agent. LOL)

My Computer

Ademco Compass
Yahoo Messenger (idle-no iwndows or chats open)

Customer 1

No programs open-computer was not in use when the disaster occured

Customer 2

No Programs open-Computer was not in use when the disaster occured. Computer was actually turned off and when he woke up...he powered it on...and thats when it happened.
Yes, are they all HPs

The only common software is:
  • Comodo Internet Security Suite (virus and firewall)
  • Micorsoft Office 2007 Ultimate
Do note that Office 2007 has had some recent security updates available
These updates were to stop a remote attacker taking full control of a system
But. You stated all MS Updates were already done

I would check: Comodo Internet Security log
Are what all HP's??

As far as Comodo is concerned. We checked the Firewall blocked packets, No blocked ip address. everything checkout normally. We traced all ip address listed for the last week. they all were to ligitimate sites-destinations. Nothing suspicious was found. Virus scan came back clean with nothing amiss.

All Office updates are installed. I check for updates everyday. on top of the auto updating.
OH! Are all the computers HP??? Negative. My computer is brandless. Custom Built by me. Customer 1 and 2 are also custom made. No brand or model.

Leasing Office computers are Dell's.

The 6 computers are in no way shape or form connected to eachother. With the exception of the leasing office being on a network. Customers 1 and 2 have their own networks as well as my network. we have no connection with each other at all.

Also....I jsut recieved two calls....there are 2 other computers (that i have NOTHING to do with) that have suffered this exact problem. They un McAfee and Norton. both their computers went down at the same time and came back up at the same time as my 6 computers did. They called me asking if I knew anything about it. I told them that I was working on it along with several other people. They said now their computers are fine and are running normally. They ran virus scan and nothing came back. Firewall also responds clean.
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There is one good guess that it may be
A new virus in the wild, that has not been updated to any of the Antivirus companies
As you are aware the Virus comes out, and then the virus definitions are updated
ie All your computers could be suffering from the same Virus/malware activity (that has yet to be picked up)

Only a Combofix log, would show me all the new files installed in the last month ;)