Best Media Player??

I still hold a grudge against WinAmp for back-in-the day when 17" monitors were cutting edge and running at 1280x1024 (or damn near any resolution really... damn winamp) resulted in not being able to see the damn buttons :P

WMP - nah its too bulky and clunky...something about it, but I let it play video clips
Thats why you use it on Mini skin.

Real Player - nah I can't stand that thing, its all advertisements and stuff
Agreed RP is the devil incarnate :P

For me i use WMP mostly for when im workin away, Sonique when im kickin back and relaxing and PowerDVD for videos
Does it really matter what program plays those files? Are you watching the skin of it or the movie? What influence could have a graphical interface on the sound's quality?
Does it really matter what program plays those files? Are you watching the skin of it or the movie? What influence could have a graphical interface on the sound's quality?
I didnt mention quality ... but its a pain when i cant click the play button to get the damn thing to play :P ... i guess thats a dampener on quality :D
The batteries on mine die too quickly and it makes it a challenge to switch between multiple media players (and yes, i do have multiple media players simultaneously on different sound cards) :P
what is the advantage of that praetor or is it a just cus I can thing, im partial to creative play centre, as it has some really small skins and loads pretty quick, it also lets u load playlists alot more easily than wmp10, 8 had to be best 9 and 10 concentrated on nice colour and features, forgot that all you do is press play and minimise. Power DVD is also gr8 for DVD's love the way u can stretch aspect ratio and make the widescreen bars smaller, makes peter kay look thinner too lol.
i perfer winamp 2.91 best one made, uses almost no cpu usage at all, good on ram too. and plays them in a play list that is easily editable and of course cuz i can adjust the buffer for video AND audio for more than 35 seconds...woope do....wmp is only good on full screen..i mean the old wmp, the one that came with windows me lol
best media player out there is "foobar2000"....its plain, ugly, and white, but thats the art of it.....its memory trail is like 5 k of memmory! in other words, 2 desktop icons uses the same ammount of memory as this freakin amazing media player, and best of all its free!....heres some quotes from the site.....


* Open component architecture allowing third-party developers to extend functionality of the player
* Audio formats supported "out-of-the-box": WAV, AIFF, VOC, AU, SND, Ogg Vorbis, MPC, MP2, MP3, MPEG-4 AAC
* Audio formats supported through official addons: FLAC, OggFLAC, Monkey's Audio, WavPack, Speex, CDDA, TFMX, SPC, various MOD types; extraction on-the-fly from RAR, 7-ZIP & ZIP archives
* Full Unicode support on Windows NT
* ReplayGain support
* Low memory footprint, efficient handling of really large playlists
* Advanced file info processing capabilities (generic file info box and masstagger)
* Highly customizable playlist display
* Customizable keyboard shortcuts
* Most of standard components are opensourced under BSD license (source included with the SDK)

Foobar2000 is an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include ReplayGain support, low memory footprint and native support for several popular audio formats.
Lag??? how can it lag!! all u peeps complainin with lag wats up with that!! u hav like gd spec pc's! u must hav loads of stuff running in background or not keep ur pc organised well!!!
lol when you have over a thousand songs qued, and like half of them are over 2 hrs long you tend to lag just a bit :P
dansilva said:
i think media player classic 123 is one of the best for of all media players, very simple

If you like that media player, you would love what the media player that slothx31 told us about...called Foobar ( i just downloaded it actually like 10 minutes ago.

Winamp rules people! It's fast, simple, and manages jsut about evrything I need. Winamp 5.06 that is ;). WMP is also good. It's as usual, a matter of personal preference. :eek:
