Anybody Still Use Windows 2000

LoL I dare to say that Windows 2000 is great operating system.First because it doesn't have tons of things inside and second I noticed that many games and programs work a lot faster on it.Ok I admit that Windows 2000 look like shit,but at least it runs great and thats all thats really important right?As for the drivers,many many drivers designed for XP also support Windows 2000 and some of them even support Windows 98 SE and Windows ME.Just be sure when buying the new computer,that its hardware is at least supported under XP.And if it is,you can put Windows 2000 on it without any problems.Same for Windows 98 or Windows Millennium.
i agree with S.T.A.R.S. i found windows 2000 to run great on one of my older laptops and i had only one real compaptibilty issue which was the support for wpa 2 apart from that it ran quick and all drivers were installed with no problems, id say it was a pretty good os as it never crashed on me (apart from when it was my fault) and never really slowed down
it doesn't look too good tho :)