Altec Lansing ADA885 and ADA890

Don't know if you're still following this thread a year and a half later, but my ADA885's that I've enjoyed since 1998, started doing exactly what you described in the third paragraph of your post (light flickering, clicking - intermittent sound!). I'm not having a woofer problem per se. When it goes everything goes and it's taking longer and longer to re-set itself.

Which joints on which board did you re-solder? Just the relay?

Thanks in advance. I'd just put a killer Schiit DAC/Preamp on these old beauties and they'd come alive like NEVER before -- that is...until they go tits up dead. I'd really hate to have to toss them. As I write this, I can glance over at that right control speaker and it's flashing is driving me f-ing crazy!