I am finally going to replace my February 2014 build (Win 7, 4770K, GTX 770 -> 980 Ti -> 2080 Ti) with a new build. I also see this as being my last gaming PC, unless a AAA PC Gaming Renaissance or general industry revolution occurs. I waited this long because Life interrupted serious gaming for the last few years, and because I was hoping that prices would generally return to a more palatable state (What a maroon!)
I am building it mainly to:
* ...play DX12 games from the last several years
* ...be able to run Steam/Connect/etc. again, and therefore play any existing/older games that can only be played via Web-based DRM accounts.
* ...play the two or three future AAA games that may possibly interest me
It will only be used for these purposes --- I will continue to use my Windows 7 rig for general computing, and for all games that do not require DX12 or Web-based DRM accounts.
I would like feedback primarily on the CPU, but I implore anyone who is kind enough to respond to take my specific use case into account. First, I don't even want to use Windows 10, but I certainly will never, ever touch Windows 11. Hopefully other options will be practicable by the time Valve et al. ditch Windows 10. At any rate I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
I'm sticking with Intel simply because I play mostly older games, and for those games which I will be forced to play on the Windows 10 rig I don't want to run into the problems that AMD processors occasionally have with performance or compatibility.
To finally get to the point: The newest Intel processors are garbage for gaming, and frankly the entire "Big/Little" architecture does no favors for the gamer. I need the highest single-core clock speed possible, and the highest overall clock speed, in order to brute force through various issues that result in framerate drops.
Also, the newest CPUs have no hyperthreading, and it is not clear to me what impact this has for older games. Older games can already have performance issues as a result of newer HW/SW/drivers, so I don't need anything that further exacerbates the issue. Quite the opposite, as I said earlier.
So, given that I'm resigned to Intel, it seems my only option is a 14900K / 14900KF. Or a 13900K / 13900KF with a small speed sacrifice. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
I am building it mainly to:
* ...play DX12 games from the last several years
* ...be able to run Steam/Connect/etc. again, and therefore play any existing/older games that can only be played via Web-based DRM accounts.
* ...play the two or three future AAA games that may possibly interest me
It will only be used for these purposes --- I will continue to use my Windows 7 rig for general computing, and for all games that do not require DX12 or Web-based DRM accounts.
I would like feedback primarily on the CPU, but I implore anyone who is kind enough to respond to take my specific use case into account. First, I don't even want to use Windows 10, but I certainly will never, ever touch Windows 11. Hopefully other options will be practicable by the time Valve et al. ditch Windows 10. At any rate I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
I'm sticking with Intel simply because I play mostly older games, and for those games which I will be forced to play on the Windows 10 rig I don't want to run into the problems that AMD processors occasionally have with performance or compatibility.
To finally get to the point: The newest Intel processors are garbage for gaming, and frankly the entire "Big/Little" architecture does no favors for the gamer. I need the highest single-core clock speed possible, and the highest overall clock speed, in order to brute force through various issues that result in framerate drops.
Also, the newest CPUs have no hyperthreading, and it is not clear to me what impact this has for older games. Older games can already have performance issues as a result of newer HW/SW/drivers, so I don't need anything that further exacerbates the issue. Quite the opposite, as I said earlier.
So, given that I'm resigned to Intel, it seems my only option is a 14900K / 14900KF. Or a 13900K / 13900KF with a small speed sacrifice. Does anyone have an opinion on this?