ASUS P8H61-MX. I5 3570


New Member
I was hoping this was an old Asus motherboard forum.I have recently bought ASUS P8H61-MX.REV1 i want to buy a i5 3570 CPU but it seems it is not supported ,and seems it is the only 61. one which is not.:(But the K version of it and all the i7 version of the IVy Bridge are.
So why is the non K version not on the supported list of my motherboard.The REV 2 is on the list but not my REV1?

UserBenchmark: Asus P8H61-MX Compatible Builds User benchmarks for this motherboard (9 the other 8 are supported on my board.​

KOR-User, 12 months ago.Core i5-3570, GTX 1070-Ti
The other thing is it has REV NO on the end of it on the supported boards, mine all have E1.on the supported ones on my board.:oops:

CPU-Upgrade: ASUS P8H61-MX processor support

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You need to go to Asus for cpu support.

There is only 1 revision of that board, the original.

If you really want to know why the 3570 is not supported, contact Asus.