Photo Tourney Discussion

I'd probably throw down some shots off my G4 if we had this going again. Not that I expect to win with a smartphone but should at least give me something to practice shooting with. :D
Looking at the number of responses this is getting I don't think we'll have much participation... I'll try one though, I'll set it up tonight.
I'm a bit late to the dicussion, I saw the posts in the mod chat too. I really liked these a few years ago but how many members do we have now who would participate? We used to have people like ramodkk (Omar) and vroom_skies (Bobby) and Fatback and MBGraphics and mx344 and several others who were active members and into photography and entered, but they don't seem so active now. :(

@Darren, it's not about the camera or phone, it's about the person behind it. I like to think I've done some great stuff with my Nokia Lumia 930, which is 3 years old this year (see and there are even whole competitions dedicated to smartphone photography now. In quite a lot of ways, my Lumia 930 and a most other smartphones on the market now are better 'point and shoot' cameras than the old 'dedicated' low-end 'point and shoot' cameras (if you get what I mean? :D The image quality from my 930 owns the FujiFilm S4000 that I 'learned' photography with).