I want to sell an XBOX with 3 MS controllers and 1 Logitech wireless controller, modded with Xecuter 2 mod-chip and around 40 games (only 6 of them are originals) How much do you suggest I sell it?
Eh, $150 sounds reasonable, if you sell it directly to someone. A game outlet such as gamestop won't give you that much, but ebay is your best bet.Apokarteron said:You're right, only the XBOX and the original games, and controllers for about $150?
MS wouldn't do a thing, but ebay might remove your listing.SC7 said:Yea, if MS catches you on eBay with that, you can get in serious trouble. For the unmodded system and legal games with all the controllers, I'd say $100 would be fair. That's what I got when I sold mine when I got my 360, I had two less controllers, and 10 more legal games.
And freeze your paypal account.Arm_Pit said:MS wouldn't do a thing, but ebay might remove your listing.