XBOX for sale

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I want to sell an XBOX with 3 MS controllers and 1 Logitech wireless controller, modded with Xecuter 2 mod-chip and around 40 games (only 6 of them are originals) How much do you suggest I sell it?

I suggest you only sell it with the legal games. You know the policies here at

Yea, if MS catches you on eBay with that, you can get in serious trouble. For the unmodded system and legal games with all the controllers, I'd say $100 would be fair. That's what I got when I sold mine when I got my 360, I had two less controllers, and 10 more legal games.
Apokarteron said:
You're right, only the XBOX and the original games, and controllers for about $150?
Eh, $150 sounds reasonable, if you sell it directly to someone. A game outlet such as gamestop won't give you that much, but ebay is your best bet.
I'd sell my X-box and such for money, but I love it too much... my pruddyful Limited Edition Crystal X-box.

Hmm... yeah... try E-bay... amazing what some people there will pay for things.
SC7 said:
Yea, if MS catches you on eBay with that, you can get in serious trouble. For the unmodded system and legal games with all the controllers, I'd say $100 would be fair. That's what I got when I sold mine when I got my 360, I had two less controllers, and 10 more legal games.
MS wouldn't do a thing, but ebay might remove your listing.
they wouldnt od anything to your paypal account. They would sen you a warnning on ebay if its your first time and remove your lsiting. the seecond time they will suspend your account, which is easy retainable the first time, if you screw up again its difficult. nothing happens with paypal.
you already have a similar thread going... add to that thread if you now want to sell the hardware...

...uh, something doesn't add up. There are 7 XBox games in the other thread that are "original" and only 6 in this thread... where did the other one go? Decided not to sell it?
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