WTB - PCI Graphics Card & 1U PSU


P.I Dragon
Hey all, hoping someone can help me out on this one.

I'm looking for two things:

1U PSU 200-250w --

Basically, a normal 1U PSU for rackmount cases. Maybe someone has one they don't use any more? Only needs to be small power, 200-250w max.

PCI Graphics Card --

Literally any old PCI graphics card with, say, at least 32Mb VRAM on-board. Its only needed as a secondary display to output to a different source. The only specification is that it has to be recognised and supported by Linux. If anyone has an old one they don't use and feel like donating for little to no cost, feel free


Preferably people from the UK only please as shipping from pretty much ANYWHERE else is gonna kill the cheapness straight off...

So yeh, anyone help out here?

dragon2309 :)
I do have a PSU that i would give you, but the shipping rates is rediculous.
Building a budget linux machine?
If you are, stay away from ATI. ATI has s***ty drivers, while nvidia has some decent drivers for linux.
I've got an old PCI Geforce2, the weight is almost nothing but unfortunately as you said shipping will still suck.