The rocketfish cases are awesome, look here for what i have done to mine. I bought the side panel window from performance pcs, and the grill on top. All you need to do is get a dremel and hack the top of it for a radiator.
Rocketfish from bestbuy (they only made them for like a month, but you can find them on ebay, and if your lucky, at your local bestbuy)What case is that I like it, I'm kinda interested in buying on like that.
Thats a sweet case man, basically the same setup I'm shooting for.
FYI: I saw your HD in that picture, it's a seagate? Anyway, there is a jumper on there that limits the drive to 1.5GB/s, take that off and you'll see some better performance.
Thanks! Haha, I've never noticed that before, i just pulled it off.
Rocketfish from bestbuy (they only made them for like a month, but you can find them on ebay, and if your lucky, at your local bestbuy)
Its made by Lian Li