WTB: Capture Card


I am looking to buy a Capture Card so I can get vids from my Hi8 Camcorder to my Computer. So if you have one, and are looking to sell it. Post it up :D.
I dont know if your Hi8 Camcorder can do it or not... but in my video prodection class, the ones we use you just use a usb hook up and a progrom to import your movies. Wait...I dont really know what you mean my hooking it up, so it might not even be what your tlaking about, but thats all I know.
There is NO way to download video from a Hi8 camera without some sort of capture card. There is no USB cable to connect to the camera because it is all analog. Now some cameras such as mine have USB abd firewire connections on it, but it's a Digital8.

Well, you know I have that one capture card if your intersted. No others unless you want that one I have in my system now, but I think the other one is actually better(yes, I say external is better than internal for once O.o )