WTB: AMD Athlon 64 3000


Well I'm looking for an Athlon 64 3000 (skt 939) cpu. If anyone has one to sell I'd like to know how much you want for it.

I tried looking on Newegg for a new one, but I couldn't find a 3000 for a skt 939, they only had them for skt 754. Am I just missing it or do they not sell them there anymore? Oh well ill keep looking.

Lamilia said:
I have a 3200 but its mine! The 3200 is the cheapest so i'm assuming thats the lowest you can get.

AMD sells a 3000, that's what I'm using right now. I want the same processor in the computer for my friend. They have it at Tigerdierct:


I would like to get it from newegg though. Tigerdirect has it overpriced I believe...? All of the other parts are coming from newegg so it would be much easier if I could just find it lol.
I cant find a 3000+ on newegg, only the 3200+. I remember seeing it on their before, it may just be a temporary removal.
Hmmm... I know that they are still in high demand and there may not be enough around for every retailer. I would also specifiy which core you want...there is a big difference between the Venice and Winchester cores.

jancz3rt said:
Hmmm... I know that they are still in high demand and there may not be enough around for every retailer. I would also specifiy which core you want...there is a big difference between the Venice and Winchester cores.


I would like a Venice core for this computer, that's what I am using right now. Yeah it could be that newegg simply doesn't have them in stock right now. I'll wait a few more days to see if anything comes up, and if not I'll probably purchase it from tigerdirect. Thanks
Lamilia said:
whats so great about the 3000?

Well I'm using the 3000 in my computer right now, and for the budget I'm stuck with for my friend this will be a good option. I was just browsing tigerdirect's website, and it turns out they have a Tigerdirect outlet store very close to where I live...I'm just going to stop by there tomorrow and pick one up.