WTB: AM3+/AM3/others... board + cpu combo


VIP Member
Hey guys,

So like you see I'm looking for a CHEAP combo just for overclocking, want to go mad but not with my 2600k.
So do you guys have some nice overclockable cpu's with their boards included? I prefer AM3/AM3+ because I think it's more exciting doing it on that. :P
Just post if you got some other old scratch or new scratch you want to get rid of.
Preferable in Europe plz... (live in Belgium)

No one got some old hardware you don't use anymore?
Everything is welcome as long as the mobo has unlocked bios.
K, would also be happy with an unlocked AM2/AM2+ board... Wanna try overclocking my 64 x2 5000+ to at least 3.5ghz (which is already very high for that chip)
How much would you be willing to drop on a phenom II 720BE +Asus M4A79XTD EVO? Making no promises but it is what is currently in my sister's system. Will speak to her about it as she has been asking me to upgrade recently if i can sell em