If anybody has an AGP
and could just give me an ESTIMATE of how much they would sell it for, on a no obligation sort of thing, just to see how much I could save by buying used, then it'd be appreciated.. But if you really are willing to sell it just note it on your post.
If you DON'T have one, then if you could just list a website where I could buy it new at the lowest possible price, that'd be appreciated.
If anybody has an AGP
- ATi x800 or above
- nVidia 7600GS or above
and could just give me an ESTIMATE of how much they would sell it for, on a no obligation sort of thing, just to see how much I could save by buying used, then it'd be appreciated.. But if you really are willing to sell it just note it on your post.
If you DON'T have one, then if you could just list a website where I could buy it new at the lowest possible price, that'd be appreciated.