
P.I Dragon
Hi, i went to install HL2 that i got for xmas and it said i couldnt cause of not enough space left, i thought it was talking crap so i went and looked and i head just over 700Mb left on my 80Gb hard drive. I went through and deleted some movies i had on there and crap like that which freed up about 10Gb, so now i have about 11Gb fre space, this was then filled with a 6Gb installation of HL2 so i have about 5Gb left.

I own and run 3 different websites and they are being constantly updated/edited. I need hard drive space....

I went looking round ebuyer and dabs and such and found a few fairly decent deals, i am looking for a 120Gb IDE internal drive, if anyone has got one they would like to sell and are in the UK that would be great.

PM me hear or email me at "dragon2309(at)gmail.com" (obviously replace (at) with @)

Thanks dragon2309
well, ive alread been to aria and microdirect, also ebuyer and dabs, ill igve the otheres a look over right now, thanks!!!!

just to let you know, i bought a SeaGate 120Gb 7,200rpm 8Mb cahce drive from ebuyer today along with a new round ATA133 cable for just over £50