Would this work? On board amp.


I listen to music from my desktop as I'm using it for other things, so I don't need super duper high power sound. I've gone through a few crappy sets of computer speakers and I'm looking for something different. I have an extra 5.25 slot and was looking at putting an amp in it to use bookshelf speakers. Is there a reason that something like this wouldn't work?

2.1 Stereo Amp Board

soundcard ---> onboard amp in 5.25 slot ---> bookshelf speakers.

Sounds simple enough, but I've never seen it done, so I figure I'm overlooking something.
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First of all, it's a subwoofer amp which means that it is designed for only lower audio frequencies, not the whole audio spectrum. Secondly, the link you provided has no specs that I could find that tell you what that board's voltage and current requirements are so you can't tell if it would be possible to power it within your computer.

You would be better off with something like this: http://www.amazon.com/LP-2020A-Lepai-Tripath-Class-T-Amplifier/dp/B0049P6OTI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1378987575&sr=1-1&keywords=audio+amplifier and not worrying about mounting it within your computer case.