Would this kill my laptop?


New Member
I just bought a used ibook. In a few weeks I am going on a trip and I am going to bring it with me. When I get to my destination I will be staying at someone's house. The house is ancient. Meaning that they do not have any 3 prong outlet's. Would it hurt my laptop if I bought a converter that would convert 3 prongs into 2 prongs?
They do have adapters that use the metal screw of the outlet as the ground, they do work and as long as you don't expect to have lots of surges thenit shouldn't be much of an issue but you may want to use a surge protector as well.
What do you mean? I thought all wiring in the EU was standardized now? I mean, plug a surge protector into the converter, and then plug the laptop into the surge protector, and that should ensure laptop safety, but if it's that ancient, I'm not sure you'll even find a converter.
What do you mean? I thought all wiring in the EU was standardized now? I mean, plug a surge protector into the converter, and then plug the laptop into the surge protector, and that should ensure laptop safety, but if it's that ancient, I'm not sure you'll even find a converter.
You can actually buy those converters for a few dollars, I used one when I needed to use a 3-prong extension cord in a 2-prong outlet.