WLAN cause overheating


New Member
Just wondering if a internal Wireless LAN can cause overheating. I have a Toshiba Laptop that is malware and virus free that is overheating and shuts off. The location by feel is at the internal WLAN. The CPU temp runs around 60 c. Thanks
Not likely... network hardware on your average laptop is not temperature monitored so even if it was overheating for some reason (which is unlikely because they put out very little heat), it would most likely just stop working instead of making the computer shut down. The reason it feels warm near there is probably because the cooling components or CPU/GPU (the hottest hardware) are located near there.

How do you know these shutdowns are caused by overheating?
Not really sure if its by overheating or not cannot find any reasons in the event log. It's just get's very warm at the bottom. It looks clean inside however I may try some comptressed air. Its been on for nearly 2 hrs now with out a load and has not shutdown. Its a friends PC.
Laptops do tend to get pretty warm... most of them handle it well (unless you've blocked all air flow). 60C is pretty high for normal usage (depending on ambient temps of course), but shouldn't cause a shutdown because of overheating.
If you're comfortable taking the thing apart, replacing the thermal grease and crappy thermal pads with some decent thermal paste (I use AS5 on lappies, works fine) it's not too difficult.