Looking for wireless routers I noticed they where labeled with terms like 802.11g, what does that mean? Ny guess was compatibilty between the router and the wireless card, but I'm not sure.
802.11g is a proposed standard, describing a wireless networking method for a WLAN that operates in the 2.4 GHz radio band (ISM—Industrial Scientific Medical frequency band). By using OFDM technology, 802.11g-based WLANs will be able to achieve a maximum speed of 54 Mbps. 802.11g is backward compatible with the 802.11b standard
802.11g has a max speed of 54Mbps. 802.11b has a max speed of 11Mbps. You can mix 802.11g and 802.11b, but they will run at the speed of the slowest device. E.g. if you are using an 802.11g router with an 802.11b wireless card, you will get a max speed of 11Mbps.