Well if he told you that he doesn't know shit about Linksys, Cisco or the vision that these companies have. There is absolutely NO comparison between Linksys and Cisco. None. I have both. You have to have an engineering degree to be able to use that stupid Cisco. Indeed, you have to take special courses to become Cisco certified.
Cisco bought Linksys in 2003 to have an entry into the home market. They invisioned that all of your home services would one day be delivered via IP, and indeed Cisco has laid the backbone for that to happen. In a press release on the $500M acquisition, Cisco stated that Linksys would still be developing products under the Linksys brand, but as a division of Cisco.
Cisco carries the backbone, Linksys brings it into your home. Cisco is not identical to Linksys in any way, shape or form.
I have also used Dlinks. The ones I have used were shit. Blech. I don't like them at all. I know my wife is kept busy for an entire shift five days a week answering phone calls about them, strictly from Quebec. I don't know about Netgear though.