Wireless Router Question

im looking to get a new wireless router would prefer it being under 100 dollars..what does everyone suggest i want something that will work good with alot of download..i download alot using bittorrent...so what does everyone else use and what do you suggest
its so hard to choose everyone got something bad to say about any router i just want to get one that i wont have any problems downloading using bittorrent i have a cheap viewsonic router right now the range and speed isnt great thats why im replacing it but other then that it works just fine with bittorrent ive been mostly looking at linksys WRT54G..its just hard to decide with there being a negative comment about every router out there
I have owned two routers over the years. One was a wired and one was a wireles/wired. Both have been Linksys and I never had any problems. There are wireless B and wireless G. Wireless G is the faster of the two. I have the B. As far as downloading with a broad band connection over the wireless link. I was able to download 4 Linux iso files each 650mg in about 2 to 2.5 hours. That's 2.6 gigs. I am pleased with the router.
SpeedDevil817 said:
that sounds like a waste...now even router manufacturers are trying to appeal to gamers...

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I will suggest you go with a larger company, like Belkin, Netgear, Linksys... So when YOU get confused and need help we can answer your questions easily.