Wireless Remote That Mimics Keyboard Keys


Active Member
I am curious is there such a device out there? Reason I ask is I stream a lot of stuff from PC to TV and using kmplayer I can set keys for pause/play/ff/rw etc and lets face it...lazy American here :P
Issue is I can only find tuner cards/remotes which works I suppose but why pay so much for something that is not what I am after? Anyways appreciate any feedback.

BTW I am after something like the G11/G15 keyboard...software based macro setup that I can set keys to...or a 3rd party solution and a remote that works with it works too.
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Well thanks bomber will try it out. I am curious would a cheap-o remote like this work with it? http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Remo...TF8&s=electronics&qid=1282221187&sr=1-1-spell Reason I ask is not sure if A. It would be noticed in Windows 7 and B. If it falls under a MCE Clone remote.

Well nevermind....snagged my buddies xpadder and just configured my wireless controller to it...works rather well but I have to mirror for full lazy-mode or leave my main monitor on when I need to access my desktop. Horrible tearing happens when I mirror the monitor/tv when watching movies. I am thinking its a driver problem though.
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