Wireless problem pissing me off, HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I bought my new sexy Amd64 last week with a wireless card already installed in it. I've been able to go online and do anything online, but every now and then i get randomly disconnected from my wireless router hence ending my internet connectiong. So when im playing games or downloading i get disconnected and its really getting on my nerves. PLEASE does anyone know what is happening or how to fix it???

THanks guys.
i had this same exact problem when i had a wireless adapter for my pc. you would be on then disconnected then connected...etc. so i ditched the wireless and got a 50 ft ethernet to my router. it could just be ur adapter. also if wireless is ur only option then get the D-Link usb wireless adapter. my sister uses it and it works great w/ few or no disconnects, here's a link:
couldn't find one at newegg.com
this kinda happens with wireless, hence why wired is nicer, it's not really supposed to, but inevitably you'll lose connection sooner or later
ahhh i see isee.So i just got a really bad wireless card huh? I'm gonna try resetting the router but i really doubt itll work, because my brother is in another room and he's got no problems. Thanks so much penguin, just one thing, how does the D-link usb adapter work? I already have my wireless card inside my comp, so does it overide it or sumthing? Or does it just enhace the performance?
THanks HEAPS guys!
There is some type of interference.... bluetooth headset, wireless home home, cell phone.. They all work on the same IDEA! Anyway try changein the channel the router boradcasts on, see if it helps, if not try looking for other close by objects which use wireless technology... Also is your card name brand or generic?
basically the usb wireless adaptar replaces the one u have in ur comp already. so basically just disable the one u have in ur network settings from the control panel and install the new drivers that come w/ the usb one and it should detect ur network and then u connect. Its really very simple
try a new channel in the router settings... Also make sure it is a secured network as I believe MS disconnects from unsecured netowrks for security reasons... :)