Wireless network


New Member

I'm just trying to set up a wireless network at home but i'm having problems trying to get my laptop working on it,
It works ok through the router with a cable connection but with the wireless connection it says I have good signal strength but I cant get on to the internet.
I am using a lynksys Wireless G Broadband Router (WRT54GS-UK)

With a

Linksys Wireless G Notebook Adapter (WPC54G ver 5)

Any Helpwould be appreciated
it means when you set up the network, you gave it either a wpa-psk or wep key, you need that key to connect anything else to the network. Use your internet browser to get to the router's options (type in 192.168.xxx.xxx, depends on the brand) and look under security and it will be there somewhere
Its saying

401 Unauthorized
Authorization required

It came up with a password box aswell before. I've put in the password as admin as instructed but nothing
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