wireless network


New Member
hey, is there anyway to set a computer to have "priority" over a wireless network? i hyave 2 computers connected to my wireless network, is being used for downloading etc the other is being used for gaming, is there any way to make the gaming pc have priority??
What do you mean by having "priority",
Faster internet or more bandwidth or something totally different?
He wants to be able to have a better ping while he is playing his game, and download fast when he is not.. (is what I get from it). I dont know anyway of doing this.. If you know when you will be playing, such as everyday from 3-5pm you can tell the router to not allow the ports which the program is using. Then there is no lag everyday at that time.
okay, i cant do what i wanted to do, so is there anyway i can "boost" my signal so it stayes high (prefrubly around 40mb/s)
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Well 4mb/s is VERY fast.. You would have to pay an ISP for higher speeds.. i would assume your download rate right now is about 1mb/s... You can run a dsl speed test from here http://www.dslreports.com/stest What do you need 4mb/s for?

If it is for downloading, you also need to remember that you can only download as fast as someone else can upload.. Not very many 4mb uploaders out there :)
sorry, i didnt explain it properly, i want my wireless router to give me 40mb/s at least (i have 1mb internet). at the moment it starts at 54mb/s and goes down to about 5mb/s, i want to know if theres a way to keep it above at least 40mb/s.
The 54mb/s is the transfer rate from your computer to another computer one you network... If you were sharing files. There is not way that translates to something even close to that on the outside.