Wireless Network but internet connection has been lost


New Member
Hi, I have 2PC's with a wireless network card in each. One PC has a broadband modem and the other shares that connection through the network.

Ever since I put a new motherboard in to the pc that dosen't have the modem something has happened to the internet. I am able to access google and MSN Messenger and thats all. If I try to go to other sites or get e-mail throught Mozilla Thunderbird it takes ages and ages aying it's loading the page but nothing ever happens. (The network is ok, as I said I cna access google and I cna pronts on the shared printer etc...)

This happend before I upgraded the mobo and I had someone fix it form me. I am not in contact with him at the moment so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what to do here.

Try renewing your DHCP address. I've seen certain ports get hung before on inexpensive wireless routers. Netgear are the worst for this.
click START, RUN, type cmd, hit ENTER, type "ipconfig /renew" (without the quotes obviously).

That oughtta do it.