wireless connecion cutting out??


New Member
with the recent purchase of a new computer i bought a new wireless adapter. This adapter is the Belkin wireless G version, and my router is a BT VOYAGER 2100-90, the problem is that if i leave my computer runnin and i come back to it, the internet has disconnected, and i can't reconnect, i have to manually unplug the USB adapter and plug it back in - often several times- so that it will automaticlla reconnect. This is very frustrating, but on another machine using a PCI wireless card (manufactured by BT) this does not happen, so is this a compatability issue? Also, the internet will not connect whn i turn on the computer, i have to unplug/plug in the adapter as above, and also if the connection is left in use (i.e if a file is downloaded) the connecion stays live at all times, but sometimes during normal internet use it wll simply disconnect automatically. any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
i sort of had the same problem...and i started using ethernet cable instead of USB.....and it worked for me

An ethernet wireless adapter??:rolleyes:

What networking program are you using?
If it is Belkin's, don't bother it is the worst i have ever seen. Go to the options panel and change it to the Windows Zero Config. Then when using the Windows one, connect to your network and set it to automatically connect.
As elbestion said, you need to return that USB adapter and get either a PCI adapter (desktop) or PCMCIA adapter (notebook), whatever is appropriate. USB adapters need to be taken off production as they are extremely unreliable, and have not heard a single person that has a reliable one in their possession to date. Regardless of brand.
i am using belkins and agree it is the worst software i have ever used. i think im gonna switch back to my PCI card, thanks for all the help guys
USB adaptors are very unreliable.... most places when you go to but a wireless will actually try to talk you out of usb if you know anything about a pc or how to work on one..