pipit said:network at home????..... never have one
but, I always use computer in my lab and get online whenever i want (except in weekend )
Yep!network at home????.....
4W4K3 said:its pretty easy to do...
Fixed!oh crap, I ment wireless G. D'oh!
Wow maybe I should ask you for some help when I get stuck with them bloody triple-surface-integrations for calculating charge ... grrr... stupid triple-intsmy major is electronics engineering
God that is something I can seriously RESPECT. Too many kids in my class slack around (very shocking considering that the admission cutoff is a 94% average ... and dissapointing) and then at the last minute, rely on technology (rather than their brains and discipline) to get their assignments doneeven I have to work/study harder to catch the other who has more facilities than I do.
Apologies not required! At least you're trying which is awesome!sorry,if I do mistake. sometimes I doesn't know what's it should called and plus my english is not good
Bad experience with wires or wireless?Just thinking of a bad experience I once had.
4W4K3 said:7 wired computers on network, 2 wireless laptops on network, 2 wireless PDA's. a few off and on computers as well...i think most we ever had was 12, but we gave a few away.